Friday, December 4, 2009



I'm done. I started last January and now it's December.

These are a few of my favorite Things
Thing 39 Digital storytelling. I liked scrapblog. It was fun and easy to use and best of all, no paper clutter. I don't know how I would use it in my job. I liked exploring the world of Internet radio in Thing 42 Music 2.0 and online TV and Video in Thing 43. I am making another list of TV shows to look at on Hulu.

Things I didn't like
Thing 24 Refresh your blog. I was ready to move on to something else. Thing 41 Mashup your life. I've had enough of mashups and social networking. Thing 27 Twitter. Thing 31 More Twitter. Does the world really need more Twitter? On second thought, it was fascinating to watch how Twitter was used by protestors in Iran a few months ago to get the news out to the world about the election there. If the Internet, Twitter and cell phones had existed before and during World War II, what would have been different?

Useful Things
Thing 47 Webjunction might be useful as a source of training. Some of the Things were useful for keeping up with trends in libraries and society. Thing 35 included a discussion of the future of books, reading and how the Internet is changing reading. After doing Thing 45 I had really cool conversations with friends about clouding computing. Thing 38 Screencasting could be useful if I can find a website that is compatible with the Java version I have, doesn't require downloads, and has terms of agreement I can live with.

My library and Web 2.0 tools
What has my library done with Web 2.0 tools? The library now has Facebook and Twitter pages as well as a reference wiki. This year the library had classes for the public including social networking (featuring Facebook) and blogging. The library now has AquaBrowser. AquaBrowser has features similar to social networking sites. It is interactive and users can contribute content. Users can make lists (which can be public or private), tag items, review items and score items. They can also make personal profiles.

My use of Web 2.0 tools
Things I use: I regularly use the Gmail account I opened last year for the original 23 Things. I have a feed from the New York Times emailed to my Gmail. I have a Photoshop account. Now that I have a digital camera, I want to try more of the websites that use photos. I tried Typealyzer again. This website analyzes the personality of your blog. When I tried this in February I repeatedly got the message "Detected language Vietnamese." Now it says my blog is an ESTP. What a laugh. My blog is an extrovert but I'm not!

I'm on to the next thing: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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